Oilseed acreage up by 156% driven by Soybean

Groundnut (Peanut)

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As of 28th June 2024, the total area sown under oilseeds increased significantly to 42.89 lakh hectares from 16.78 lakh hectares in 2023, marking a year-over-year growth of 26.11 lakh hectares, or 156%.

  • Soybean: The most notable increase, with acreage rising from 1.63 lakh hectares in 2023 to 33.66 lakh hectares in 2024, a staggering 1965% increase.

  • Groundnut: Experienced a significant decrease in acreage, dropping from 14.56 lakh hectares in 2023 to 8.19 lakh hectares in 2024, a reduction of 6.37 lakh hectares, or -44%.

  • Sesamum: Saw a notable increase in acreage, rising from 0.26 lakh hectares in 2023 to 0.43 lakh hectares in 2024, a 65% increase.

  • Sunflower: Increased from 0.26 lakh hectares in 2023 to 0.37 lakh hectares in 2024, marking a 42% increase.

  • Niger: Reported acreage in 2024 was 0.18 lakh hectares, with no reported acreage in 2023.

  • Castor: Slightly decreased from 0.07 lakh hectares in 2023 to 0.06 lakh hectares in 2024, a -14% decrease.