Untimely Rain Forcing Farmers to Sell The Paddy on Spot to The Traders


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In Nizamabad and Nalgonda, two major paddy-growing districts, arrivals for the Yasangi marketing season remained stable, Untimely rains damaged standing crops, leading to uncertainty among farmers who had to quickly sell their produce at harvest points and traders are approaching farmers who own four to five acres of land to buy paddy directly. As. farmers are unable to manage the produce themselves and prefer selling it to traders to avoid the hassles and costs of cleaning, drying, and transporting the paddy. However, the Civil Supplies department has stepped in to assist farmers by purchasing rain-soaked paddy to supply parboiled rice mills. Up to four lakh MT of such paddy could be bought during the Yasangi marketing season. However, paddy arrivals are still slow in districts like Asifabad, Bhupalapally, and Mulugu.