USDA Reports Slight Decline in Corn Crop Condition Last week

Maize (Corn)

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The condition of the nation's corn crop slightly declined last week, according to the USDA NASS weekly Crop Progress report on Monday. Corn silking reached 61%, just 1 percentage point behind last year's 62% but 5 points ahead of the five-year average of 56%. Corn in the dough stage was at 17%, which is 4 points ahead of last year's 13% and 6 points above the five-year average of 11%. About 67% of the corn crop was rated in good-to-excellent condition, down 1 percentage point from the previous week's 68%, but still significantly higher than last year's 57%. Meanwhile, 10% of the crop was rated very poor to poor, up from 9% the previous week but below last year's 13%. States with lower good-to-excellent corn ratings included North Dakota, Tennessee, and Nebraska.