Rajasthan Kharif Pulses Sowing Update

Urad (Black Matpe)

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According to the Agriculture Department of Rajasthan release, total pulses coverage in the State has reached at 29.32 lakh ha. as of 22nd July, 2024, down by 6% from 31.24 lakh ha. same period last year. Target for the pulses sowing in the State for Kharif 2024 has been set at 39.60 lakh ha. Green Gram (Moong) has been sown in 19.14 lakh ha., down by 5.75% from 20.31 lakh ha., Black Gram (Urad) in 2.93 lakh ha., down by 7.52% from 3.17 lakh ha. and Tur (Arhar) in 0.07 lakh ha., down by 19.82% from 0.08 lakh ha. during same period last year.