Kharif Oilseed Sowing Progress as of July 8, 2024

Groundnut (Peanut)

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As of July 8, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture reports notable progress in Kharif oilseed sowing. Soybean cultivation leads the way with a dramatic increase to 60.63 lakh hectares, a 110% rise from last year’s 28.86 lakh hectares. Conversely, groundnut sowing has decreased by 16% to 17.85 lakh hectares, and sesamum acreage has dropped by 22% to 1.04 lakh hectares. Sunflower sowing has expanded by 53% to 0.46 lakh hectares, while Niger has seen new planting at 0.19 lakh hectares. Castor sowing has halved, down to 0.1 lakh hectares, a 50% reduction. Overall, total oilseed acreage for the Kharif season stands at 80.3 lakh hectares, reflecting a 55% increase from last year owing to conducive weather conditions.