India records 11% below normal rainfall in June 2024


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India received 11% below normal rainfall in June in all regions, except the southern region after the monsoon lost its momentum in mid June. The North-West region recorded a significant 32.5% deficit, East and North-East India saw a 13.2% shortfall, Central India had 13.7% less rainfall, In contrast, the South Peninsular region received 14.2% above normal rainfall, IMD reported.

Kharif sowing has gathered momentum over the past fortnight with farmers preferring pulses such as arhar (pigeon pea/tur) and urad (black matpe) and maize over other competing crops on lucrative prices. Around 56% of the net cultivated area and 44% of food production depend on monsoon rains

As of 28th June 2024, India's Crop Acreage Shows Mixed Trends

  • Oilseeds: Overall area increased by 18.4% to 4.3 million hectares, driven by a surge in soybean planting (up to 3.36 million hectares).

  • Groundnut: Area sown declined to 819,000 hectares compared to 1.45 million hectares last year.