2023/24 Argentina Soybeans 92.2% Harvested


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As of late last week, 92.2% of soybeans had been harvested in Argentina, marking a 6% increase from the previous week. Harvesting is nearly complete in the core production areas, with some soybeans still to be harvested in southern and far northern Argentina.

The nationwide average soybean yield is 3,030 kg/ha (45.1 bu/ac), a decrease of 0.7 bu/ac from the previous week. Yields vary significantly, from 1,760 kg/ha (26.2 bu/ac) in northern Argentina to 3,850 kg/ha (57.3 bu/ac) in the northern core area. The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange maintained their soybean production estimate at 50.5 million tons last week.

Soybeans were rated 29% poor/very poor, 49% fair, and 22% good/excellent as of late last week, with the good/excellent rating unchanged from the previous week. Soil moisture for soybeans was rated 27% short/very short and 73% favorable/optimum, with the favorable/optimum percentage up 1% from the prior week.