Actionable insights from Agriculture industry

We are team of researchers who have spent our lives in the agri industry. AGRIWATCH is the culmination of all our experience and knowledge of the pulse of the agricultural landscape.







Knowledge & News for All, Simplified!

With our state of the art knowledge gathering platform stay on top of what is happening in the market.

From data to insights

Agriwatch simplifies complex trends and feeds you with the only thing that your business needs to grow at a ferocious pace. Actionable Insights.


Price Trends

We have one of the largest sets of agri commodity spot price time series data in India to keep you updated on short and long term price trends


Latest News

We keep you regularly updated with the relevant domestic and global developments that could impact the agri commodity markets


Agriwatch Insights

Get insights on prices, arrivals and trader sentiments in over 200 spot markets in India everyday!


Chat with Experts

Our team of experienced commodity market analysts are available to our subscribers for clarifications or additional guidance

Our achievements

With over 22 years in industry data and 100+ years of collective team experience, we make sense of data for you


Satisfied global clients


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Years of operational excellence


Branding awards winning

Other services we provide

Agriwatch collects data daily in over 250 commodities from over 400 markets in India - One of the largest price-arrival data sets in the country apart from the government sources.

Customized Agri-Commodities Research

Value Chain Studies, Sub-Sector Studies, Consumption Studies, Crop Surveys

Advisory and Consulting Services

Designing and implementing procurement strategies, Supply chain re-engineering, Risk Mitigation strategies

Market Intelligence Services

Available on a real-time basis on our website in the form of news, market commentaries and spot market price tables and charting

Popular enterprises use Agriwatch

Customers and brands love using Agriwatch and we have built the trust over the years.

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